Monday, March 15, 2010

Still Life: Coffee Cup and Saucer

Well, finally got some time (and interest) in finishing the coffee cup still life that I was working on. I really like this painting. It came out pretty well. I like the color composition and the cup looks like a cup.

The only part of it that bother's me is that the saucer looks a little flatter than I would have liked. I believe that it has to do with the shadows in front of the cup. They're a little flat. I'll have to go back and produce a little more of an edge to it.

When working on this cup, I tried to pay attention to two of my major failings: 1) Don't overblend over areas that I've already placed paint on. Place down the paint at the right value and then leave it alone. Only blend where the paint shifts values. 2) Separate the object into light areas and dark areas first. Once that is done, you can start defining the areas and put in details.

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